Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Quickie Review: TAI CHI HERO (2012)

Warning: Mild spoilers ahead.

Having just seen and reviewed TAI CHI ZERO, I was psyched and ready to pop my theatrical screener of TAI CHI HERO (obtained from the generous folks at Well Go USA) into my Blu-ray player. When we left our main characters, Lu Chan was lying helpless in a semi-coma after aiding in the defeat of the misguided Fang Zi Jing.

Unable to defend himself in any sense, its up to Master Chen and his daughter Yu Niang to plead on Lu Chan's behalf, as he stands accused of stealing Chen-style kung-fu. Nothing seems to change the mind of the village council who prepare to make it impossible for Yang to practice kung-fu ever again.... by severing his tendons with a fig bucking sword!

Luckily Yu Niang steps in and declares that she will marry the lovably moronic Lu Chan; by making him family, he will have technically broken no sacred laws! The two are quickly wed, only to have their wedding crashed by Zai Yang, Yi Niang's older brother, and his mute Japanese wife. Zai Yang's arrival kicks off yet another plot to  peacefully clear out Chen Village by acting on the superstitious beliefs of the villagers. Naturally the plan doesn't quite work out, leading to another invasion by the misguided Fang Zi Jing, who shows up with an army and a half dozen cannons.

Will the fully trained Lu Chan (now seemingly healed of his "Three Blossoms of the Crown" and no longer an idiot), his wife Yu Niang, and his father-in-law, Grand Master Chen, be able to foil another violent attack on the peace-loving village? Will Western military technology and training trump ancient martial arts wisdom? Will aid come from an unexpected source? Or will Fang finally triumph and have his revenge against the people he blames for the death of his lover? Well.... all I can tell you is that this movie is set up for  yet another sequel, and I greatly welcome it!

TAI CHI HERO is a much tonally different movie from the first one; it's definitely a more serious film. In the first movie, Lu Chan was none too bright and constantly getting his butt kicked. You really wanted him to succeed, but at the same time you couldn't help but enjoy his failures. In this film, he's attained his quest for the most part, healed himself, and is now really.... dull. He's totally calm, cool, collected, serene, and not in danger of randomly going into "demon mode" or dying from his affliction. Now he's just a two-dimensional good guy that makes me want to yawn.

Luckily the wayward villains of this film keep things going. Stephen Fung (Fang Zi Yang) yet again turns in a good performance as Fang Zi Jing. With his career decimated, his honor in question, and the women he loved now dead, Fang is in a pretty dark place in his life and it shows. Using the knowledge that Lu Chan was once a part of the Divine Truth Cult (a rebel sect that fought against the imperial troops of China), Fang manages to gather himself an army and some big guns. He then marches on Chen Village in force to "arrest" Lu Chan and those that aided and abetted him in the destruction of TROY NO.1, which caused the accidental death of his lover.

Then there's Zai Yang, who is only trying to scare off the locals with an ancient prophecy, partially because he has a chip on his shoulder (daddy issues), but mainly because he wants to find a peaceable solution to getting a railroad through the village. He provides us with a character we can relate to, as he left Chen Village in his youth to make his way in the world. Rather than stay home and learn martial arts (which he was never very good at), he leaves to be his own man and become an inventor. This didn't sit well with his father, Grand Master Chen, and it provides for a bit of tension whenever the two of them share the screen.

All in all, I enjoyed TAI CHI HERO, but didn't like it as much as the previous film. It's got a few cool twists, great action sequences, and has a very talented cast. Though the hero has sadly become rather boring, its the other characters in the film that keep things interesting and moving forward. And once the smoke clears during the climactic struggle at the gates of Chen Village during the final act, the film teases us with a really cool setup for the intended third part of this Tai Chi trilogy! (Spoiler: As the film fades to black, we get a very brief look at a STEAMPUNK-THEMED SKULL FORTRESS!)

Though it lacks the fun and energy of the first film, TAI CHI HERO is still a really solid martial arts flick that delivers the goods, and promises us some big things in the next installment. It's definitely worth a look and worthy of:

TAI CHI HERO had a brief theatrical engagement this past weekend in select cities (anyone out there lucky enough to see it?), and is heading to DVD and Blu-ray on July 2nd!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blu-ray Review: TAI CHI ZERO (2012)

MOVIE REVIEW: With TAI CHI HERO getting a limited theatrical release this weekend, I wanted to make sure I saw it's predecessor first. Luckily TAI CHI ZERO is relatively cheap on Blu-ray (around ten to twelve bucks), so I bought myself a copy and sat down to watch myself a good ole fashioned kung-fu flick. What I got instead was a crazy martial arts movie chock full of steampunk technology and video game references. It's like a Chinese Scott Pilgrim vs. the World!

The film centers on Yang Lu Chan, a young man who was born with a strange deformity. He has a small horn growing out of his forehead, and whenever it is struck, he goes into "demon mode" and demolishes anyone that stands in his way. Unfortunately for Yang, every time this is done, it gives him a brain aneurism and his little "horn" changes color. If it is struck enough times, his "forehead-pinky" will turn black and he will die.

To cure himself, Yang is told that Chen-style kung-fu will do the trick, so he heads out to the distant and isolated Chen Village to find a teacher. However, Chen-style is not taught to outsiders (for reasons discovered in the next film), but Yang remains determined to learn the forbidden fighting style. Though no one directly teaches him, Yang has the ability to memorize and mimic the movements made by each person he fights. (Kind of like Marvel's "Taskmaster," or the autistic girl from "Chocolate.") With every loss to the common villagers (including women and children), Yang is inadvertently gaining the knowledge he has come for.

Yang's martial arts "training" is soon interrupted when a former resident of Chen village named Fang Zi Jing, arrives to clear a path for an oncoming railroad. Fang attempts to do so peacefully at first, but when he fails, he returns to the gates of Chen Village in a giant steam-powered death machine! Will Fang destroy the village before Yang Lu Chan fully learns the secrets of Chen-style kung-fu? Will someone rise to the occasion and fight off the steampunk invaders? Looks like you'll have to rent or buy it to find out!

TAI CHI ZERO is a surprisingly fun action film that has interesting characters, cool kung-fu battles, full-size steampunk-inspired machines (they actually built "TROY NO. 1" to scale!), romance (got to have something for the ladies), and a great (and rather eclectic) soundtrack. It's a movie that tries to put a fresh spin on all the classic tai chi films that have come before it, and it totally succeeds. It's also funny as hell at times (I particularly like the sequence where Yang tries to repeatedly sneak back into Chen Village after getting booted out) because our hero isn't all that bright, plus his frequent "what the hell?" reactions to the implausible events he witnesses totally mirrors the audience's.

And Yang is a great character because he's one you can root for. He's an idiot to be sure, but he's tenacious and has an unbreakable spirit. He can die at any moment because of his "horn" (referred to as "Three Blossoms on the Crown"), and his mother's dying wish was that he become the best at martial arts, therefore failure is not an option for this guy. And when he finally manages to best one of the villagers using the skills he learned from getting trounced time after time, you feel as vindicated as he does.

Conversely there's Fang, who is only slightly less of a black sheep in the villagers' eyes than Yang is. He grew up in the village, but he never learned Chen-style and has a love for technology and Western culture (and women). Fang's considered a wimp and gets no respect from his peers, which is why he resorts to threats of violence and destruction. But he doesn't truly become a bad guy until his machinations get someone he loves killed. That event flips a switch and makes him the tragic villain of this tale.

I could go on and on about TAI CHI ZERO, but I'll cut myself off here and assure you once again that it's a great movie! I had a blast watching it, and highly recommend it to all you action/kung-fu movie fans out there. TAI CHI ZERO hit all the right notes with me, and though I've already seen it twice, I'm ready and willing to give it another viewing already. I really enjoyed this movie and I'm more than happy to give it:



The Packaging: TAI CHI ZERO comes in a standard Blu-ray case with cardboard slipcover. The cover art (seen above) is OK; definitely more exciting that the majority of the Chinese and international posters that were released for the film.

Audio & Video: TAI CHI ZERO is featured in 1080p HD in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio, and the movie looks fantastic, which is not a total surprise since it was released last year. The disc offers up Mandarin Chinese and English dubbed audio tracks both available in 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio or Dolby Digital 2.0. I watched the film in its original language with English subs, and I have no complaints. I have yet to try out the English dubbed version, which I avoided since I despise most dubbed foreign films. All in all though, the audio and video presentation here is damned near perfect.

The Extras: There's not much to get excited about here. The disc has a handful of cool trailers for the film (rather effective ones too if I may say so; they make me want to watch TAI CHI ZERO again), a music video for a Chinese rap/rock song called "The Stand" (watch it HERE), and a short six-minute behind the scenes featurette.

Final Ruling:  The audio and video presentation of the film is pristine, but the disc is lacking in the extras department. Maybe I'm just super spoiled by companies like Shout!/Scream Factory, but I expected a bit more effort from Well Go USA. A few more in-depth cast & crew interviews, or a few featurettes about the making of the film and the fight choreography would have been very much appreciated. Still, this is a rather inexpensive Blu-ray, and the movie is certainly worth a look, so I suppose I shouldn't judge this disc too harshly, especially since the movie looks and sounds so good. You're getting off easy this time Well Go USA, because I'm giving your TAI CHI HERO Blu-ray:

TAI CHI ZERO is available on DVD & Blu-ray wherever discs are sold. It's sequel, TAI CHI HERO will be available on DVD & Blu-ray on July 23rd, and is currently playing in select theaters across the country!


Friday, April 26, 2013

In Praise of Stephen Bassett and the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Driven: Political activist Stephen Bassett
Between April 29 and May 3, up to forty researchers and military/government witnesses will testify to the reality of the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial visitation before former members of the United States Congress and Senate. This is the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. It is the brainchild of political activist Stephen Bassett. 

As a researcher with a pro-ETH (Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) stance, I have always respected and supported Bassett’s work. His White House ‘We the People’ petitions were widely criticised by pundits in the UFO community, either for failing to bring about UFO Disclosure, or on the grounds that Disclosure is simply unachievable through public pressure. Such criticisms are myopic and defeatist.

In fact, Disclosure was never an immediate objective for Bassett’s White House petitions. His petitioning was successful in its elicitation of an historic response from the Obama Administration on the UFO/ET issue, for capturing the attention of international news media, and, in turn, for encouraging many people outside of the insular UFO community to consider the reality and implications of official UFO secrecy.

Bassett’s goal is to bring about Disclosure not through one explosive revolutionary act, but through a continuing series of high-profile but always respectful actions – be they in the form of petitions or press conferences – which serve constantly to remind those few in the corridors of power who hold the key to UFO secrecy that the public, although more often than not distracted by the trappings of everyday life and the inanities of modern culture, are ever savvy to the machinations of their ‘Truth Embargo’, and that our deep desire for Disclosure (in one form or another) grows stronger with each passing year. It’s a constant call for accountability and an essential reminder from the public to the UFO policy makers: “We’re watching you, and we’re waiting.”

Whether or not you agree with Bassett’s particular brand of UFO activism, whether or not you like the witnesses he presents at his press conferences or if you approve of the specific phrasing of his petitions, there can be no denying that his efforts in this field have raised popular awareness of the UFO/ET issue considerably in the 21st Century. Indeed, I would argue that Bassett has done more than any of his detractors in UFOlogy and Exopolitics – perhaps more than anyone ever – to directly encourage the mainstream media to more thoughtfully engage with one of history’s most important and misunderstood subjects. If he has not always been entirely successfully in this endeavour, it is not for lack of trying. And he has tried at his own considerable financial cost.

Stephen Bassett is a driven man. Whether he succeeds in ending the Truth Embargo remains to be seen, but he will never give up. I’m not a saluting kinda guy. But, Steve Bassett, I salute you.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

THE FOG and THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN coming to Blu-ray this July!

Here's a huge helping dose of awesome news for all you classic horror fans out there! Shout!/Scream Factory has announced that they are releasing THE FOG and THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN onto Blu-ray in July! Both discs will be loaded with cool extras, gorgeous high-def transfers, and rockin' cover art! Here's the lowdown via the press release I received the other day. Get excited and put aside some cash for these discs!


A weather beaten old fisherman tells an ancient tale of betrayal and death to fascinated children as they huddle together by their campfire. As a piece of driftwood in a child’s hands glows with spectral light an eerie fog envelops the bay and from it’s midst emerge dripping demonic victims of a century old shipwreck… seeking revenge.

 THE FOG Collector’s Edition bonus features NEW SCREAM FACTORY EXTRAS: 
· New HD transfer of the film supervised by Director of Photography Dean Cundey

· Exclusive interview with Actress Jamie Lee Curtis discussing The Fog and covering her legendary early 80s “Scream Queen” career.

· Audio commentary featuring Actress Adrienne Barbeau, Actor Tom Atkins and Production Designer Tommy Lee Wallace.

· Retrospective interview with Director of Photography Dean Cundey about his many legendary collaborations with John Carpenter.

· Horror’s Hallowed Grounds – A Look At The Film’s Locations with host Sean Clark

Extras from the MGM prior release include:
· Tales From The Mist: Inside The Fog Featurette

· Fear On Film: Inside The Fog Featurette

· The Fog: Storyboard To Film Featurette

· Outtakes

 · Theatrical Trailers & TV Spots

· Photo Gallery and Storyboards

· Audio Commentary With Writer/Director John Carpenter And Writer/Producer Debra Hill.

Also, as always, the DVD & Blu-ray will have awesome custom artwork, BUT, it is dual-sided so you can flip the cover over and sport the original poster art! (Yet another reason to love Shout!/Scream Factory!)

I absolutely love THE FOG (read my old review for it HERE) and can't wait to get my paws on this Blu-ray!


Also coming out on July 31st is the Blu-ray for THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN. This is the first time this title has been on Blu-ray and now you can enjoy one of the more notorious creature features of the late 70's in glorious high definition!

He was once the hero… now he’s the hunted!

Colonel Steve West has just returned from an incredible history-making flight to Saturn when he is hospitalized with an ailment that baffles the entire medical community. His flesh is melting and to stay alive he must consume human flesh and blood. The infected Colonel West escapes from the doctors’ supervision and hides in the surrounding community where he begins to hunt for human flesh. Who can stop the Incredible Melting Man?

This movie features the early makeup f/x work by the great Rick Baker, and has the (some would say dubious) honor of being riffed on Mystery Science Theater 3000! (Of course... you do know that this means we could very well see said episode of MST3K in the near future! YAY!)

Info on extras has yet to be announced, so keep your eyes peeled for more updates on this upcoming Shout! Factory release!


New DVDs and Blu-rays for 04/23/2013!

Sorry I'm a bit late with this post, but truthfully, it's no big deal because you're not missing much. It's a small list of genre releases this week that includes a bunch of indie direct-to-DVD titles, with a few cool Blu-rays tossed into the mix. I suggest that you hang on to your cold hard cash unless you have an intense desire to spend it! Here's what's new:

The Grapes of Death (Redemption Films)
A Haunted House
Night of the Hunted (Redemption Films)

Castle Freak (There is an issue with this title; release date may be subject to change.)
Dementia 13 & The Terror
Jurassic Park 3D
The Pit and the Pendulum (There is an issue with this title; release date may be subject to change.)
Poor Pretty Eddie & Carnival Magic

All American Zombie Drugs
Bloodsucking Vampire Freaks
Cloned: The Recreator Chronicles
Cold Prey II
Dark Passions of a Sexual Serial Killer
Deep Dark Canyon
Flash Point
Gothkill: The Soul Collector
It's in the Blood
Last Caress
Pegasus vs. Chimera
Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy
Sloppy the Psychotic
Treasure Chest of Horrors 2
Ultimate Zombie Feast 2

Monday, April 22, 2013

Superman in the age of Disclosure

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Alien in custody: Man of Steel (2013)

Superman is, of course, an alien – his origin story has been presented at length in literary form, and the superhero’s small screen outings (Lois and Clark and Smallville) took time to explore his extraterrestrial heritage. However, no movie has attempted to distil the Superman narrative to its conceptual essence: first contact with extraterrestrials. No movie, that is, until Man of Steel – the upcoming Superman reboot from 300 director, Zack Snyder.

“He’s an alien,” the film’s writer David S. Goyer, told Empire magazine recently. “If the world found out he existed it would be the biggest thing to happen in human history.” When tackling the iconic character of Superman, then, it seemed only natural to Goyer that “if Superman really existed in this world, first of all this story would be a story about alien contact.” 
General Zod prepares to invade in Man of Steel (2013)
The idea of extraterrestrial Disclosure being central to the new Superman story is also hinted at in the latest trailer for Man of Steel, which includes dialogue like “You’re the answer to ‘are we alone in the universe?’”, as well as references to humanity being unprepared for the revelation of Superman’s existence. Add to this flashes of the alien Kal-El himself in the custody of the US military and apocalyptic shots of what appear to be extraterrestrial spacecraft attacking American cities, and it’s clear that Superman’s latest incarnation owes at least a few strands of its DNA to UFOlogy and Exopolitics.

Indeed, as was pointed out recently by Red Pill Junkie (RPJ) over at the Daily Grail, a new viral video for Man of Steel calls to mind (perhaps intentionally) a bizarre UFOlogical happening from the 1970s.

The video shows Superman’s alien nemesis, General Zod —played by Michael Shannon— delivering a message to mankind... “You are not alone”:

RPJ writes:

“To any seasoned UFO buff, this should immediately [remind] you of the infamous Vrillon transmission, broadcast on the Hannington transmitter of Southern Television in the United Kingdom for six minutes at 5:10 PM on Saturday November 26, 1977. Vrillon claimed to be a representative of the Ashtar Command, and his message is consistent with the typical 'space-brotherly' tone of peace & a call to disarmament.”  

Although many people have dismissed the Vrillon transmission as a hoax, the identinty of the alleged hoaxer has yet to be discovered. It is generally agreed that successfully hijacking the signal of a major TV station (ITV’s Southern Television) would have required considerable technical know-how.

It is notable that, while Superman traditionally has come to us wearing the bright cloak of fantasy, Snyder and Goyer’s vision of the Kal-El story is grounded much more firmly in our own reality. Speaking to Bleeding Cool recently, Man of Steel’s visual effects supervisor Joe Letteri said the film is a “re-envisioning of the story of Superman leaving his homeworld and coming to this new one,” and that Snyder had “abandoned a lot of the pretence that was in the comics.”

“They’re sticking to realism as much as possible,” says Letteri. “Fantastic elements are still there but a lot of it that been trimmed back to make it feel as though this actually happened.”

Just how far the ‘realistic’ Man of Steel takes its Disclosure theme remains to be seen. Keep an eye on its continuing viral marketing campaign and catch the Man of Steel himself when he lands in theaters on June 14.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Coming to DVD & Blu-ray in May: Mama and ABCs of Death!

Next month, you can snap up either of these two major horror releases wherever movies are sold: The Guillermo del Toro produced MAMA comes to DVD and Blu-ray courtesy of Universal Home Video. I haven't seen it myself but it seems that most people liked it... until they saw the disappointing ending. Here's more info on the film and the specs on the DVD and Blu-ray:

From Academy Award® nominated actress Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty, The Help) comes the pulse-pounding tale of one mother’s twisted love in MAMA. Brought to life by Academy Award® nominee Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth) and also starring Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (“Game of Thrones”), MAMA will be available on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, DVD and On Demand on May 7, 2013 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. Also available on Digital Download on April 23, 2013.

MAMA is the haunting tale of two little girls who vanish without a trace from their suburban neighborhood the day that their parents were killed. But when the young sisters are found alive years later in a decrepit cabin, their uncle (Coster-Waldau) and his girlfriend, Annabel (Chastain), take them in. As they try to introduce the children to a normal life, Annabel begins to wonder if the traumatized girls are the only guests they have welcomed into their home or if someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.

The Blu-ray™ Combo Pack allows fans to watch MAMA anytime, anywhere on the device of their choice. It includes a Blu-ray™ disc, a DVD, a Digital Copy and UltraViolet™ for the ultimate, complete viewing experience.

· Blu-ray™ disc unleashes the power of your HDTV and is the best way to watch movies at home, featuring perfect hi-def picture and perfect hi-def sound.

· Digital Copy provides fans with a choice of digital options to watch on devices such as iPhone®, iPad®, Android™, computers and more.

· DVD offers the flexibility and convenience of playing the movie in more places, both at home and while away.

· UltraViolet™ is a revolutionary new way for fans to collect their moves and TV shows in the cloud. UltraViolet™ lets consumers instantly stream and download to tablets, smartphones, computers and TVs. Now available in both the United States and Canada.

* MATRIARCAL SECRETS BD EXCLUSIVE: An in-depth exploration of the digital and practical effects employed to shape the film’s phantom presence.

* DELETED SCENES with Commentary by Director/Co-Writer Andy Muschietti and Producer/Co-Writer Barbara Muschietti.

* ORIGINAL SHORT WITH INTRODUCTION BY GUILLERMO DEL TORO with Commentary by Director/Co-Writer Andy Muschietti and Producer/Co-Writer Barbara Muschietti.

* THE BIRTH OF MAMA: MAMA began as a chilling short that announced a new voice in the horror genre. Exclusive interviews with Executive Producer Guillermo del Toro and the filmmakers track the bloodline of the feature and explore changes needed to make the transition to a film.

* FEATURE COMMENTARY with Director/Co-Writer Andy Muschietti and Producer/Co-Writer Barbara Muschietti.

What?! They removed the baby from the cover art?!
Also coming out in May is "The ABCs of Death" (read my review HERE) which has built itself a sturdy cult May 21st, and features 26 short films from 26 different directors from around the world.
following. This (in my opinion) failed cinematic experiment is coming to DVD and Blu-ray through Magnet Releasing on

Here are the special features that both the DVD and Blu-ray releases will contain:

* 11(DVD)/14 (BR) Behind the Scenes, Making-ofs and Deleted Scenes.

* Filmmaker Commentary (Over 30 Filmmakers).

* BD-Live Feature Exclusive to Blu-ray – Additional Short Film Contest Submissions.

I'd probably pick it up for the making-ofs and commentaries alone, just to get some insight into why all of these filmmakers chose the topics and made the artistic decisions that were displayed in their final products. While I admittedly only enjoyed a handful of the short films (about six out of the twenty-six), I'd love to have some of my curiosity sated.

Also, not to be a stickler, but why was the baby photoshopped out of the cover art? That sort of propelled me to actively seek the movie out and watch it... now the artwork just looks... generic.

Once again, THE ABCS OF DEATH hits DVD and Blu-ray on May 21st. You can pre-order yourself a copy by clicking on the links below.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

2013 SALT CITY HORROR FEST - Changes to lineup and full event schedule!

Hey all! April is passing us by rapidly which is awesome because that just means those of us are lucky to have May 4th off (which also happens to be FREE COMIC BOOK DAY and INTERNATIONAL STAR WARS DAY) will be able to attend the latest SALT CITY HORROR FEST! Sadly, director Jeff Burr, who was slated to appear for a Q&A, will not be able to attend due to a scheduling conflict, which also means that 35mm screenings of THE OFFSPRING and LEATHERFACE: TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE III are not happening.

However all is not lost as the folks running the film festival have filled the two missing gaps with James VanBebber's THE MANSON FAMILY (which also comes with his short film, GATOR GREEN), and the ever elusive HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK, directed by Ruggero Deodato and starring the late David Hess! I haven't seen either of these movies so I'm stoked!

Here's the full lineup and schedule of the event, which kicks off at 11 AM at The Palace Theater:

11:00am - Doors and Vendor Lobby open.

11:45 am - Horror Fest organizers introduction and trivia block #1.

Noon - Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein - (1948, 83 min) all ages.

1:30pm - Trivia block #2.

1:40pm - "May the 4th be with you," Star Wars tribute.

1:45pm - It Came From Outer Space - Jack Arnold, (1953, 81 min) Anaglyph 3D

3:10pm - Trivia Block #3 and World War Z (WWZ) preview from Paramount films.

3:15pm - NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD - George Romero, (1968, 96 min) Parental Guidance Suggested.

5:00pm - FRIGHT NIGHT - Tom Holland, (1985, 105 min) Rated R

6:45pm - Dinner Break.

7:45pm - Trivia Block #4

8:00pm - "Steel Warriors 2" - Trailer (Digital, 5 min)

8:05pm - Gator Green - Jim VanBebber, short (digital)

8:20pm - Manson Family - Jim VanBebber, (2003, 95 min) uncut, 17 and over

9:50pm - ROBOCOP - Paul Verhoeven, (1987, 103 min) Theatrical Cut, Rated R

11:45pm - Art Ettinger, ULTRA VIOLENT Magazine, HOTEOTP intro and trivia block #5.

Midnight - HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK - Ruggero Deodato, (1980, 91 min) 17 and over

1:30am - NEKROMANTIK - Jorg Buttgereit, (1987, 75 min) German w/ English Subtitles, 17 and over

Crazy lineup no?

Get there early so you can guarantee yourself some 3D glasses, and bring extra money because there will be all sorts o' junk food, beer, and vendors! Hopefully I'll see some of you there!

THE TAINT available on Blu-ray + SCIENCE TEAM now in production!

This is old news (since the Blu-ray came out on March 12th of this year) but Drew Bolduc's THE TAINT has been picked up by Troma and given a nice 2-disc Blu-ray release. I reviewed the film a while back (read it HERE) and reveled in its ridiculous plot, over the top violence, and parodical view of misogyny. (The film has been attacked for its questionable content, but trust me folks, its only a boundary-pushing spoof, not a representation of the filmmakers' views on women.)

THE TAINT Blu-ray comes with a DVD of the film and is packed with some cool extras, including:

* Director's Commentary
* Cast Commentary
* Behind The Scenes Slideshow
* Deleted Scenes
* Introduction By Lloyd Kaufman
* Tromatic Extras

You can grab yourself a copy over at Amazon.com by clicking HERE.

In other Drew Bolduc news, the star/director of THE TAINT is working on a new film called SCIENCE TEAM. The production is set to begin in June in Richmond, Virginia with the aid of pledges obtained from their IndieGoGo campaign, (CLICK HERE to help fund it!) and it looks like they are really going to try and push the envelope this time around.

We are Science Team. We need your help. We have lasers.

Science Team is a national organization whose main purpose is to maintain interstellar peace and protect America from the many alien threats that seek to destroy us.

We need your help to recruit more members to fight alongside us. We must build a super scientific alliance and raise funds to combat a giant sessile alien menace with telepathic powers capable of doing this:

Science Team must eliminate this evil extraterrestrial threat at all costs. We must proceed with extreme caution. People will die horrible and disgusting deaths. Inner and extraterrestrial demons will be engaged. Cool-looking technology will be used. People's minds will be blown out of their heads. 

Remember to bring your mind protectors.

Check out the SCIENCE TEAM promo below and, once again, please consider lending these guys some financial aid to get this insane film made!

Science Team Promo from Drew Bolduc on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New DVDs and Blu-rays for 03/16/2013!

Sorry that this is a little late folks; been feeling out of sorts lately, which led to some laziness on my part. But the weekend is almost here for yours truly and I'm feeling better, and hell, I may even toss away some cash and see Rob Zombie's latest white trash horror fest, or Tom Cruise's new (highly predictable) sci-fi blockbuster. But that's stuff better mentioned in the next NOW PLAYING post, let's look at this (thankfully) small list of genre releases on DVD & Blu-ray:

Django Unchained
Girl$: The Live Action Movie (DVD/Blu-ray combo)
A Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia
Iron Man: The Rise of the Technovore
Jacob: Unrated Director's Cut
Police Story / Police Story 2 (review)
Repo Man (Criterion Collection)
The Sorcerer and the White Snake

Attack of the Herbals
Black Enforcers
Flash Gordon: The Complete Series
HP Lovecraft's The Dark Sleep
Hunted in Hong Kong
The Indestructible Man
The Legend of Bruce Lee Part 1
The Legend of Bruce Lee Part 2
Message From Space
Samurai Cop: Special Edition
State of Emergency
Tales from Mutantville
Whispering Ghosts

Quentin Tarantino's Rolling Thunder Pictures Triple Feature
Contains: Detroit 9000, Mighty Peking Man, and The Switchblade Sisters.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Just got some press release action from indie producer/screenwriter/director James Cullen Bressack about his latest film HATE CRIME (read my review HERE) getting a global VOD release, and some new about a new indie horror flick he's producing called MUSE. Read on for more details:


HATE CRIME is now available WORLDWIDE on VOD exclusively on http://www.psykikjunkypictures.com . And when we say WORLD WIDE we mean WORLD WIDE! That's right ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE EVERYWHERE can watch the film now! Many have been patiently waiting to see the film Hate Crime for months now. Well the wait is OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!

IT IS AVAILABLE NOW ON VOD WORLD WIDE at this link: http://psykikjunkypictures.com/ for $6.66 but you better hurry because it will only be available for 1 month before it gets taken down off of VOD for its DVD/BLU release in AUGUST through UNEARTHED! TIME TO UNLEASH THE BEAST!

If you've been curious about this film (and it is hard not to be, what with all the good press and reviews, plus the refusal of some theaters to play the movie at several film festivals) this is your chance to see what all the hoopla is about. While I can't sit here and tell you that it is a great movie that you'll want to watch over and over again, I can say that it is a more than competently made visceral cinematic experience. There's actually a few scenes in this home invasion / found footage flick that made yours truly squirm a bit, and I'm a jaded horror fan that's "seen it all before," so maybe that'll be enough reason for you to give HATE CRIME a look!

Next up on James Cullen Bressack's plate is an indie horror film he's producing called MUSE. Directed by Nick Palumbo (another controversial indie filmmaker), the film follows a young actress' decent into murder and madness. Here's more info via the press release:

Fright Flix Productions and controversial cult filmmaker Nick Palumbo have begun pre-production on "MUSE," a psychological horror film starring Samantha Mion in her film debut. Co-starring Patrick Scott Lewis ("Zodiac"), as an irascible thespian. MUSE is written, and directed by Palumbo and produced by Nick and David Palumbo along with cult filmmaker James Cullen Bressack ("Hate Crime"). Director of Photography is David Newbert ("Marfa Girl"). Principal photography begins on April 15 in Los Angeles, California. The announcement was made today by Fright Fix Productions' President Nick Palumbo.

"I'm very excited to return to set with my follow up to 'MURDER-SET-PIECES,'" said Palumbo. 'MUSE' is something very different from me. The subject is extremely relevant. The film is a character study of a sociopathic young woman, and how loneliness and isolation pushes her further into the abyss. I believe it's a feeling many actors have experienced and will surely relate to. With our incredibly talented production team, we are confident we'll give thriller/horror fans something to talk about as we offer an unflinching look at the dark side of the entertainment industry."

"Nick is one of the very few American filmmakers that isn't afraid to lay it all on the line and make a confrontational film," said Bressack. "His dark and visceral style is unparalleled within the genre."

MUSE is a brutally honest and chilling story of a young actress (Mion), descending into homicidal madness. Both shocking and controversial, the film is told from her point of view, as we follow her dark odyssey through modern day Los Angeles.

MUSE is written and directed by Nick Palumbo, produced by Nick and David Palumbo and James Cullen Bressack through their Fright Flix banner.

For more information please visit: http://www.musethemovie.com/
Please join our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/musefilm

This sounds like it will be interesting; I'll definitely be keeping tabs on MUSE as the production ventures onward to completion and release.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Five new alien-themed TV projects in development at SyFy

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

SyFy is developing 10 new sci-fi TV projects, five of which will explore contact and conflict with alien life. Io9.com reports that, in addition to Defiance, Syfy is currently working on ambitious small screen projects including: 


“A story about human explorers traveling to the farthest reaches of space to investigate an alien habitat the size of one million Earths. They crash-land and discover ancient civilizations, miraculous technology, and a possible salvation for Earth.”

Apparently, Syfy considered making a Ringworld miniseries nine years ago, with a different crew. It is now being developed as a four-hour miniseries. The story is based on Larry Niven’s books.

Childhood's End

Also being developed as a mini-series, based on Arthur C. Clarke’s classic novel, Childhood’s End will see a peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival brings all human conflict to an end, turning our planet into a near-utopia.

Upstream Color director Shane Carruth told io9.com he loved Clarke’s book for its unique take on an alien invasion: “even the victims don’t know that they’re victims. It’s a closed loop of a story, to have a race show up and provide everything, and that's the way that they conquer, in a way that nobody would ever recognize or resist.”

The miniseries will be executive produced by Michael DeLuca (The Social Network).


“This one starts out with an alien ‘armada’ appearing near Pluto. Earth sends the only interstellar ship we have, created by a billionaire industrialist out of secret alien technology we discovered in the 1960s. But after the ship engages the alien fleet, it falls into a wormhole and winds up in deep uncharted space, searching for a way home.”

Coming to us via Alphas writers Ron Milbauer and Terri Hughes, this series will focus on the character of Orion, “a female relic hunter who tracks down valuable items in space, while also trying to piece together her own mysterious past. And meanwhile, the human race is in the middle of an intergalactic war with an alien race. Orion has special abilities, but she can't decide whether to use them to save herself, or to find the hidden artifacts that could save the human race (no guesses which one she'll choose).”

High Moon

In which the nations of Earth start establishing colonies on the Moon to exploit its valuable natural resources — only to discover “a new form of life,” causing chaos to break out on the lunar surface.

High Moon is to be Executive Produced by Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies). The pilot has been written by Jim Danger Gray (also Pushing Daisies).

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cattle mutilations... coming soon to a cinema near you?

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

A Colorado-based production company is seeking funding for a feature film about the animal mutilation phenomenon. Currently being pitched through the crowdfunding website Kickstarter.com, Out There... is described as follows:

“Vic and Jonet are two stoner coeds at CSU-Pueblo who have just moved from the dorms into the only gated community in town. They have a tendency to tell crazy stories, convincing themselves and some of their friends there are monsters in Runyon Lake and ghosts in Bonforte Hall. Their best friends – four guys who never know just how much of the girls’ wild conspiracies they should believe – mostly think Vic and Jonet are just a couple of crazy stoners.

Then, people start disappearing, and cows show up skinned and still breathing! The girls come up with a thousand different theories as to what's causing the strange events... But even the girls couldn't have made up an ending as terrifying as what's really Out There...”

Concept trailer...


According to the film’s writer/director, BonnéBartron (whose uncle co-wrote the Bigfoot movie Harry and the Hendersons), Out There... will feature “actual UFO and Cattle Mutilation sites” in Colorado, as well as “actual mutilation photos and mutilated specimen samples,” which were donated to the filmmakers by UFO researcher/investigator Chuck Zukowski, who also collected and processed the samples.

On his UFOnut website, Zukowski writes:

“When I found out about this project... I contacted Bonné and offered my assistance to help her develop the animal mutilation sequence so it appears as real as possible. My intention is to raise public awareness [of] this strange phenomenon by educating the public, showing them what’s actually involved with these cases.”

Bartron says her team at Angry Puppy Productions wants to keep their movie “as real as possible” and is keen to point out that “all of the locations in the film are actual locations in southern Colorado. We'll be shooting the majority of the film in Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Woodland Park.”

The onscreen mutilations will be realized using “old school techniques, like real blood effects, props and dummies,” but with some “new school technological upgrades! We're excited to be making this movie as tactile as it is freaky!” says Bartron.
Bartron is seeking to raise $200 thousand to shoot her movie, which is intended for international distribution.It was originally funded by two different producers at different times,” Bartron says, “but... circumstances put the pause button on us... so, this time we decided to bring it to kickstarter.com and put it in the hands of the people! We need each and every one of you to make this movie happen, putting in even a single dollar will get us all that much closer to making this movie the way it's intended to be! Authentically different!”

To support Out There... visit the movie’s Kickstarter page and like it on Facebook.



Linda Moulton Howe: When Hollywood Wanted 'A Strange Harvest'

Friday, April 12, 2013


Before I begin to talk about one movie you probably won't be able to see, and another you shouldn't, allow me to apologize for now doing a "NOW PLAYING" blog post last week. I was caught up in the EVIL DEAD madness and was spent after reviewing the film and arguing about it with others all last weekend. To do a quick recap, last week saw the releases of EVIL DEAD, 6 SOULS [limited release], EDDIE: THE SLEEPWALKING CANNIBAL [limited release], and JURASSIC PARK 3D!

With that out of the way, here are the newest theatrical offerings you can see on the big screen this weekend. First up is SCARY MOVIE 5:

If you sat through that entire trailer and didn't crack a grin, chuckle to yourself, or laugh out loud... then you are in intelligent human being. Egads this one looks awful; I'm pretty amazed this franchise hasn't been banished to direct-to-DVD hell by now. Boasting a cast full of actors and actresses who are no longer relevant, and chock full of tired jokes that have already been done by other awful spoofs, this seems like a recipe for disaster. But I KNOW that somehow, this piece of shit movie is going to end up in the top ten. You know what? Forget it exists and go see "42" this weekend instead, or keep EVIL DEAD in the number one spot for one more week. Heck, give the completely unnecessary 3D conversion of JURASSIC PARK a go. JUST DON'T GO SEE SCARY MOVIE 5 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

The only other genre film to hit (select) screens this weekend is ANTIVIRAL:

Oof... it looks like an awful AMERICAN PSCYHO rip-off with a terrible dub-step soundtrack. This is a movie I'd miss out on, if only because of the trailer. Upon further inspection though, this film was directed by Brandon "son of David" Cronenberg. The story involves some dude that becomes infected with a mysterious virus that kills a supermodel. It's one of those "race against time" thrillers that looks to offer up some artsy blood and guts, so it may be interesting. ANTIVIRAL is only getting a limited release, so it's only playing in a handful of theaters across the country. If you see it, feel free to share your thoughts below.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vault Master Rants: REMAKES!

REMAKES! The very word sends shivers of anger down the spines of millions; causes thousands to groan or sigh in anguish. I myself have reactions like this, but why? Why does this one word inspire so much malice; why does it have so much terrible power?! Well mainly because remakes, especially the ones that have been released in the past decade or so, have been mostly mediocre or just plain awful. But why does Hollywood insist on creating remakes of older films that we hold dear to our hearts, and why are so many of them so sub-par? Well, perhaps my meandering thoughts and theories might shed some light on the subject.

REMAKE by definition means to "make anew or in a different form," so the idea is to take something old and breathe new life into it, either by updating the story to be more palpable for modern audiences, or by taking the core idea and doing something completely different with it. This is dangerous territory to be in if you're penning a remake (or a redo, or a reimagining, or a reboot, or whatever you want to call it) because a delicate balance must be maintained: You've got to cater to the fans of the original film (which can be done in a variety of ways, such as callbacks to scenes or quotes from the original work) but you've got to modernize it and create something that today's audiences (with all their newfangled technology and short attention spans) will want to see.

But why remakes? Why can't Hollywood come up with anything original? (A question I hear almost daily.) Well the fact of the matter is... it's all been done folks. We have literally created every iteration of every story known to man; the mines of creativity have been depleted. At this point in human history, every tale has been told and retold. Even actor Robert Englund (who I had the pleasure of seeing in person during a Q&A session I attended two years ago) has said this. Even before that, a gent named Kirby Ferguson brought this fact to my attention years ago with his excellent EVERYTHING IS A REMIX series of videos.

Occasionally, somebody brings something new to the table (e.g. "The Matrix" trilogy introduced us to bullet time) but it is quickly gobbled up by the studios and exploited  at every turn until finally, the audiences (and critics) lose interest, forcing the powers that be in Hollywood to rethink their strategies. And this is nothing new because it's been happening for decades. Take Ridley Scott's ALIEN for instance. Penned by Dan O' Bannon (rest in peace sir), the film presented us with a new type of monster (courtesy of H.R. Geiger and Stan Winston), and an invasive horror theme that shocked audiences.

It was followed up with three sequels (each one getting worse as the series wore on), two crossover films, a confusing prequel (that is in the process of getting sequelized), and a seemingly infinite number of rip-offs. The series is a cash cow, and once it came out, everyone wanted in on the action. Aside from bridging the original to the PROMETHEUS films, or doing another sequel, or a third ALIEN VS. PREDATOR film, there is only one way to milk the franchise: Remake it.

Pictured: The final step before a remake grudgingly goes into production.
Now this isn't leading up to me reporting that ALIEN is being remade (gosh I hope that doesn't happen, the original still looks great and plays out wonderfully), or suggesting that it should be remade, but I'm trying to illustrate that eventually, you hit a wall with a film franchise. Sequels are tricky, especially if actors from previous installments are either too old, not interested, or deceased, and crossovers are harder to do than remakes, because you have TWO or more groups of rabid fans that you are trying to appease.

And remember, making films is not an artistic endeavor for major studios: It's a business, and the goal of a business is to make money. It doesn't matter if the final product is good or bad. What matters to the key players in Hollywood is "will I get a good return on this project?" With all that in mind, I can't really blame studios for churning out remakes, especially since they've been doing them as early as 1904. (According to my research, "The Great Train Robbery" released in 1903 was the first film to ever be remade!)You read that correctly folks... remakes have existed for over one hundred years!

By the way, have you ever seen the HOUSE OF WAX remake with Paris Hilton? It really made you pine for the original right? Well guess what? The "original" HOUSE OF WAX starring Vincent Price was (gasp!) a remake of the 1933 classic MYSTERY OF THE WAX MUSEUM! And how many times have the tales of Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Phantom of the Opera, and Cinderella (the most remade story/film of all time) been put on celluloid over the decades?

Now you're probably thinking to yourself "Wait a minute Jordan.... it almost seems like you're defending remakes!" Well I am and I'm not; the point I'm trying to make is pretty much "stop bitching and whining about remakes." They're nothing new, you can't stop them from happening, and are almost inevitable in this day and age. Don't stand there and complain that there's nothing original anymore because ORIGINALITY IS DEAD AND EVERYTHING IS A REMIX! All you can really do is hope that the remakes hit theaters are at least well-made, have an engaging storyline and at least a few likeable characters, and hopefully a good cast. (And practical effects over CGI please. I hate CGI... but that is a rant for another day.)

Which brings me to how the big studios have been doing with their remakes in recent years, which is to say... not very well. I can only think of a handful of remakes that actually get the formula correct and turned out to be just as good as, if not even a bit better than, the original film. They take the core idea and change it up just enough to set themselves apart from the original, and the results have sometimes been impressive. In the 80's you had the triple threat of "The Blob," "The Fly," and "The Thing" (which is technically not a remake but a more accurate adaptation of "Who Goes There?"), which all follow the basic template of the classic films, but made interesting changes to the plot and characters, and added in copious amounts of mind-blowing practical f/x!

Stay! I'll put coffee on!

The tale of a silly glob of protoplasm from space that engulfs a few denizens of a small town in the "The Blob," became a flesh-melting gore-fest about science gone terribly wrong in the remake. (The blob was part of a Cold War military experiment if memory serves.) The charming (yet goofy) "The Fly," had a scientist and a fly switch heads after a minor whoops involving teleportation. In the redo, the same thing occurs, but with far more ickier consequences. Aside from Jeff Goldblum's mutation (which is glorious!) you get a cool character arc about a scientist that is trying to do something to help mankind, who then experiences an accident that at first seems beneficial, but in truth is slowly turning him into a monster.

And John Carpenter's The Thing? I could go on an on all day about that one. In the Howard Hawkes' classic, an alien being is thawed out of the Antarctic ice and stalks the crew of a U.S. military base. Attempts to shoot it, burn it, and communicate with it fail, so they electrocute the creature from another world, and end his short reign of terror. In the 80's redo, the creature thaws out and goes to work trying to replicate/assimilate everyone on the base. Tensions run high, paranoia strikes deep, and messy deaths and transformations highlight the already increasingly awesome proceedings!

In the 90's we had Tom Savini's brilliant remake of George A. Romero's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, which kept all of the same elements (the hero is a strong black male; people trapped in a farmhouse fighting off a sudden invasion of the living dead) but made an extremely intelligent move by having Barbara (who was completely catatonic until eaten by her undead brother and all his friends in the original) become a strong female character.

More recently, there's been an increase in lousy and mediocre remakes, but a few have stood out from the crowd. Some of my favorites include James Gunn's DAWN OF THE DEAD, MY BLOODY VALENTINE 3D (the only 3D film I truly enjoyed in the theater), and THE CRAZIES (Romero's original is a classic in its own right but just didn't rock my world). Also, the new EVIL DEAD, though lacking in some respects, was pretty darned good as well, if only because it was so unapologetic with its gore.

Now, I know I'm focusing a lot on horror remakes, but that's because they are the current trend in Hollywood, mainly because the genre has become a very lucrative business in the past decade. No really, it's true! Every single horror film released in theaters this year was the NUMBER ONE MOVIE IN THE BOX OFFICE during their respective opening weekends. The number of horror conventions (along with fantasy, sci-fi, and mixed genre cons), 35mm film screenings, and horror film festivals has increased by a staggering amount. It truly is a good time to be a horror fan, and the studios know this.

That is why more genre remakes are on the way including: CARRIE (it doesn't look too bad, plus I love Chloe Grace Moretz), ROBOCOP (a movie that made fans so angry that it's release was pushed back to 2014), OLDBOY (directed by Spike Lee?! Whaaa?), PET SEMATARY (No!), THE CROW (Oh, c'mon!), THE ORPHANAGE (Really? That's not even an old movie!), AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON (Blasphemy!), BARBARELLA (:: shrugs ::), GODZILLA (I'm actually looking forward to this, especially after the 1998 Roland Emmerich travesty), WESTWORLD (I could almost get behind this one.), SHORT CIRCUIT (A sequel would be preferred.), THE WARRIORS (I'm torn on this one...!), and there's so many more!

Johnny Five is alive! AND ANNOYED!

Damn it Hollywood, the idea is to remake films that can be IMPROVED UPON! Many of the ones I just listed are heralded classics and stand up extremely well today! And that's the main rule that all the big studios should abide by: "Don't remake it unless you can somehow improve upon the original film, or at least improve some major elements from it." The successful remakes are the ones that feel familiar and new at the same time; that deliver a fresher spin on something we've already seen (and loved) before. But at some point in the (not so) creative process, something gets left out. Someone forgets that "Hey, I know we're trying to put a different spin on things, but shouldn't we try and make this a good movie first and foremost?"

Ah hell, f*ck remakes! Yeah, I know I previously told all of you to quit "whining and bitching," but I can't help it. I tried to be logical, and tried to look at all this as objectively as possible, but I just can't come to terms with the continued onslaught of remakes. I guess it's just plain old human nature to complain about something we have no control over and simply must accept. (Like bills, taxes, shitty drivers, pop music, inflation, religion, politics, etc.) Some of you are probably thinking "Well hey, we can do our part and not go to the theaters to see any of these upcoming remakes. Then Hollywood will get the idea and stop making them," and in a perfect world, you'd be one-hundred percent correct.

Sadly we live in the real world, where thousands still flock to see these unnecessary recreations of the films you and I wax nostalgic over. Those of us that are "wise," may stay home in silent protest (but usually go see the movies we bitch about because there's that tiny chance it might actually be really good), but the masses ultimately choose the outcome.

To conclude my rant (because if I don't stop now, I'll ramble on for another page or two), remakes have been, and always will be around, even moreso since studios are looking for easy cash-grabs. Some will be good, some will be bad, most will be mediocre. And despite our complaints about the unoriginality of Hollywood, and our best efforts to avoid the oncoming deluge of remakes, we will continue to be inexplicably drawn to theaters again and again to carry out this vicious cycle.

But there is a silver lining my friends, and that is this: We will always have the originals. (Well... unless you're talking about the bastardized STAR WARS trilogy which has been criminally altered forever.) To illustrate this one final point, let's choose one of the more high profile remakes that will be coming out in the next year: I choose you ROBOCOP!

The question I will now pose to you is this: What if the ROBOCOP remake sucks?

The Answer: Who cares?! Worse things have been done to the character in film and television in the past. (Particularly that awful live-action series that weakens and totally emasculate Robo. How the hell did it last a full season?!)

Plus, the existence of the remake guarantees two things:

1.) It doesn't matter how good or bad the remake is going to be, because the original film that started it all will remain the way it always has been. (i.e. PERFECT).

2.) The remake will create interest in the original film. Younger generations that may have never heard of ROBOCOP, or may have written it off as a "stupid movie," will discover it, and most likely fall in love with it.

And those two guarantees apply to every single remake. (And sequels and prequels as well.) So take the coming remake apocalypse in stride fellow cinephiles, and remember to embrace the originals and share them with others. If we do that, then we shall survive in these harsh cinematic times.