Thursday, May 30, 2013

Vault Master Rants: Horror Feminists

To preface this post, I just want to state that I love women. I have ever since I was a little kid; I never went through that "ewww, girls are icky stage." They fascinate me to this day because even when I think I've got them figured out... I realize that I am totally wrong. (The man who finally DOES figure out the opposite sex will rule the world!) I love my mother, and grandmother, my sisters, my fiancee, and all of those in between. They have a different view of the world than I do, and have provided me with an emotional blueprint that I may otherwise be lacking. (To the dudes: They are the Subotai to my Conan. When I don't cry; they cry for me.) They are pillars of strength in my life and helped forge me into the person I am today. For that I am quite thankful.

The question you may pose to me now is do I see them as my equals? In many cases, yes I do. Sometimes I consider them my superiors. But there are things that I can do better than them. That's not being sexist, that's just the truth. Everyone is good at something, but not always at the same thing. I can cook basic stuff (I'm a master at grilled cheese sandwiches and pancakes), but my fiancee can put on a feast! She can top off the fluids in her car and change a flat tire, but I'm the one who changes the oil and takes it into the shop when it needs something major fixed. We're a team! The same applies to every other female in my life; we all learn from each other and grow as people.

And don't think that I'm making myself out to be a saint, because I most definitely am not. Do I occasionally objectify women? Yeah I do at times... but those cosplay chicks are totally asking for it! (Calm down! I'm kidding!) Do I make sexist remarks and jokes? Absolutely, but it's not limited to women. I tend to make fun of everybody, for everything and anything, and that includes myself. I like to poke fun at others, and I can take what I can dish out. But I also know when to cool it; I know when to shut my yap and respect others.

Which brings me to feminism. I understand it, and support it to an extent, but in my belief people are just people. We  label everyone in our society so it's difficult to see a person as just a person. Race, creed, gender... it all actually doesn't matter, but we're taught growing up that it does. Women who are feminists are striving for equality with men, which I think is more than fair. If a women can do the same work as I can (or do an even better job) then she most definitely deserves equal pay. If a woman wants to partake in a sport despite the risks, then let her give it a shot. Life is about pursuing our dreams and finding our limits. Those rights belong to everyone.

Enjoy some nightmare fuel!
And then there are the extremists; the ones that use feminism as a cover. While it may be a "man's world," women have certainly carved out a place amongst us. But some aren't content and lash out at us "cruel oppressing males" under the guise of promoting female equality. And some of them happen to be hiding out in the horror community, right under our very noses. :: cue shocked gasps and ominous music ::

Ok, I'm being melodramatic, but an incident occurred in a little corner of the web the other night that  raised my hackles and got me involved in an argument that I probably normally would have avoided. A gentleman by the name of Herner Klenthur posted a Top Ten List of NEW Masters of Horror. It's just  a quick opinion piece featuring ten directors that Herner believed were Masters of Horror material. While not everyone will agree with his choices, it's a solid list and not incendiary in the least.

And then it happened. Someone calling herself Hannah Neurotica posted a comment saying "Really?! Not one woman on that list...."

Now, it's my belief that this top ten list was partially user generated as Herner asked fans on Facebook who they considered to be a new Master of Horror. And before the can of worms was flung open, I sat and thought to myself... there really aren't any women working in the genre as directors that would be fitting of the Master of Horror moniker. Most of the mainstream female directors who started off in the horror genre (e.g. Kathryn Bigelow and Mary Lambert) moved on to bigger things, or just steady work in other genres. They earned their ability to pick and choose their projects.

To be sure, there are dozens of other female horror directors, but most of them work in the indie/micro-cinema world, and have yet to break out into something bigger. In an age where anyone can be a filmmaker thanks to digital film and editing, there's so many voices shouting "watch my movie!" that a lot of them get lost in the crowd. It's a grueling business whether you're a man or woman, and more often than not, a lot of films and their creators just fade into obscurity.

And then the flame-war began. While one commenter made some suggestions for Herner to look into, Ms. Hannah Neurotica went on the attack and called him a lazy journalist who needed to expand his horizons. A few people jumped in on Herner's side and Ms. Neurotica seemed to back down and all was well.... and then this blog post appeared: The New (ALL MALE) Masters of Horror.

This post really set me off. I usually don't go out of my way to defend someone, but this was what us guys call, a "dick move." This post was meant to, as I said in one of my many comments, "rattle some sabers." It's essentially an attempt at a smearing campaign to vilify a harmless Top Ten List written by a more than amiable writer. This wasn't about feminism now; this was simply about being a bully and using overly feminist rhetoric to try and make some waves and engage in some self-promotion.

What resulted was a verbal smackdown from myself and several other writers, with (in my opinion) the heaviest blow coming from a FEMINIST HORROR BLOGGER. Check out what she had to say here: DAY OF THE WOMAN - HORROR-MOVIES.CA DOESN'T LIST ANY WOMEN AS "10 NEW MASTERS OF HORROR," AND WHY YOU SHOULDN'T BITCH ABOUT IT.

The situation has since been defused (as far as I can tell) but I won't be surprised if Ms. Neurotica and her cronies rise up to create more drama again in the near future. And just who exactly is Hannah Neurotica? Well she is one of the masterminds behind WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH (something I didn't promote in the past and now refuse to promote in the future). Their quest is to promote women in the horror biz (particularly in the low-to-no budget film arena) one month a year.... in a month that boasts Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and is already taken for "Black History Month." While I'm sure they mean well, creating drama and utilizing bully tactics on the web will not further their cause in my eyes.

Speaking of their cause: Back in January 2012, the editor of Fangoria magazine posted a letter basically saying "Women in Horror Month? Really?! This needs to be a thing? Don't we celebrate women in the genre all the time?!" While maybe not entirely PC, he clearly made the point that his publication covered women in horror on a very frequent basis, and he didn't see the need for Women in Horror Month to exist. (Check out Chris Alexander's letter HERE.) Skip ahead a year and interestingly enough.... Women In Horror Month is now officially recognized by Fangoria Magazine. Way to stick to your guns guys.

So to close this all out, to Hannah and the rest of her WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH friends: Play nice with others and don't resort to bully tactics to promote your cause. Fight the good fight against someone that is being overly chauvinistic and making things difficult for women that are trying to persevere in the horror business. Starting up a flame-war and creating drama like you gals did should be beneath you. And perhaps you should just scrap the whole WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH thing and create a "Women in Horror League?" Why not focus on the hard-working women in the horror genre all year long?!

To any women reading this: Thank you. Thanks for putting up with all our stupid macho bullsh*t on a daily basis; most of us guys are basically just giant kids. Thanks for helping many of us guys raise our kids (not speaking from personal experience.... yet). Thanks to all our mothers who put the fear of God in us (literally and figuratively) and loved us all unconditionally. And thank you to all the actresses, producers, directors, editors, and other filmmaking ladies who have contributed to the art of cinema over the years. You are all heroes in my eyes.

With that all said, get in that kitchen and make me a sammich!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New DVDs & Blu-rays for 05/28/2013!

After the awesome that was delivered unto us last week, I'm here to say.... take a breather from buying movies, because this week's lineup is well, pretty weak! Aside from Shout! Factory's ROLLING THUNDER Blu-ray, there's nothing to really get excited over. Here's what's new:

Ae: Apocalypse Earth
Dark Skies
Dead Mine
Doctor Who: Series 7 - Part Two
Doctor Who: The Snowmen

Rolling Thunder


9 Days: Whipped, Chained, and Tortured by a Psychopath
Asian Action Triple Feature: Donnie Yen
Attack of the Jurassic Shark
Battle Earth
Beetlejuice: The Complete Series
Corpse Grinders III
A Haunting in Silver Falls
Okamikakushi Complete

Monday, May 27, 2013


Hear ye! Hear ye! On Saturday, July 27th at 4:00 PM, YOU could be part of one of the craziest film fest lineups ever conceived! HATCHET FEST is coming to The Palace Theater (on James St.) in Syracuse, NY and for a measly ten bucks, you will get to enjoy FIVE feature-length flicks. Check out the event schedule below, then put in for that Saturday off so you don't miss out!

Doors open @ 4:00 PM
$10 Admission - come and go as you please.

Manborg (2013) 

Digital - 5:00 PM

Synopsis: A soldier is built into a powerful cyborg to help a group of freedom fighters battle Hell's army. 

Frankenstein's Army (2013) 

Digital - 6:45 PM
Upstate New York Premiere

Synopsis: Russian troops pushing towards Berlin come across a secret German installation that is creating super-soldiers from the remains of fallen troops. How are the dastardly Nazis doing this? By utilizing the notes and theories of a one Dr. Frankenstein of course!

Hatchet III (2013) 
Digital - 8:15 PM
Upstate New York Premiere
Danielle Harris and Kane Hodder

Synopsis: The third (and final?) addition to the Hatchet franchise has a search and recovery team looking for the folks from the previous film. Naturally things do not go well. Will Victor Crowley be laid to rest permanently in this installment?!

Hatchet II (2010)
35mm - 9:45 PM
Danielle Harris and Kane Hodder

Synopsis: Danielle Harris escapes Victor Crowley's clutches and returns with an army of hunters and mercs to finish off the demented killer. 

Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive (1977)
35mm - 11:30 PM
(RARE English language w/ Japanese Subtitles)
Synopsis: Before Freddy Krueger, Robert England was the MANIAC in Tobe Hooper's post TCM 1977 film EATEN ALIVE. A killer that runs a hotel by a swamp, murders some of his guests and feeds them to his pet GIANT CROCODILE!

The theater serves snacks (popcorn, soft pretzels, etc.), soda, beer, and wine, and there are numerous places to grab a bite to eat surrounding it (there's a Chinese restaurant, bar, and a Subway all within walking distance). Also, I should note that there MAY be a secret film being screened after EATEN ALIVE, and the event may run late, so plan accordingly!

And to answer your question about why HATCHET III is being shown before HATCHET II... it's because they are getting the digitally projected films out of the way first, before they dig in to the 35MM awesomeness!

Once again, the show is Saturday, July 27th at the Palace Theater and it all kicks off at 5:00 PM. Get there early to save yourself a seat and maybe I'll see you there!

Friday, May 24, 2013

‘After Earth’: the alien/UFO connection

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Alien design for After Earth (2013)
M. Night Shyamalan’s upcoming sci-fi survival movie After Earth features an elaborate back-story unhinted at in its trailers involving multiple extraterrestrial species. reports that After Earth’s recently-released companion book United Rangers Corps Survival Manual reveals an intricate fictional historical narrative leading up to the events of the film.

“Turns out, there are aliens in this movie,” writes io9’s Meredith Woerner, “lots of them. Different species, in fact, which sound infinitely more interesting than a boy with a spear in the woods.”

Woerner then lays out the approximately 1000 years of events that constitute the movie’s back-story:

“1908 - An alien ship crash lands in Russia. All collective world governments then keep this discovery a secret basically forever. (But they let smarties like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein play with the remains).

2012 - NASA announces that they've invented WARP ENGINES. By secretly tapping into the alien spaceship's knowledge of the universe's "dark energy." Tah Dah!

2071 - 2072 - Earth is all GTFO, humans. No one can live here anymore, because it's poison for us, so 750,000 survivors leave on ARKS (one is named the Asimov). The Arks were created thanks to additional information pulled (over the years) from the downed spacecraft.”
After Earth (2013)

Here, then, we have yet another blockbuster movie borrowing liberally from modern UFO-conspiracy lore, central to which are ideas relating to UFO crash retrievals and top secret efforts to reverse-engineer alien technologies. Although the Roswell Incident of 1947 is most commonly associated with such ideas, Shyamalan has here chosen to reach further back into UFO history – specifically, to the Tunguska event of 1908, which involved a massively powerful and mysterious explosion in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai in Russia. Officialdom attributes the explosion to a large meteoroid or comet fragment, but UFO researchers have long theorized that an alien craft may have been involved. Clearly this theory holds great appeal for Shyamalan, whose big-budget movie will now push the Tunguska event further into popular culture, albeit in a fantastical context. 

After Earth hits cinemas May 31, 2013. For the rest of the movie’s long and complicated back-story, head on over to

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Plan 9 From Outer Space.... the Cartoon Remake?!

While I already knew that there was a modernized PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE remake out there (click here for more info on PLAN 9), a cartoon remake of the original comes as a big surprise. The members of Bad Aftertaste Animation are currently trying to raise funds to do a full-on animated redo of Ed Wood's classic, quintessential b-movie, and they need your help! Read on for more info.
Bad Aftertaste Animation needs your Angora!
Greetings, earthlings. You better turn on your dictorobitaries for the following announcement. Bad Aftertaste Animation would love to affect you in the future with this future event: a cartoon remake of Plan 9 From Outer Space, featuring a complete new sound track - voices, music and, as a change, acting! - and animated goodness, from special effects to Vampira’s wooden movements.
Yes, ‘ooh!’ I hear you say awestruck. However, world domination cannot happen without your help funding this project, since our electrode guns aren't working, and dropping them on the ground doesn't help. We have started an IndieGoGo campaign trying to collect the necessary material for our attack on mankind. You can head over to for our crowd-funding campaign, or you can help spread the word. Either way, you'd be helping getting this saucer where it came from: from up there!
About Bad Aftertaste Animation: Bad Aftertaste Animation was founded in 2012 by Nicholas Triarchos, a short-film & TV director, writer & sound artist from Cyprus, whose work has been featured in the 2012 film Sinister by Scott Derrickson. Bad Aftertaste Animation aims to produce dark comedy animated features & shorts to further the boundaries of independent animation.

This IndieGoGo campaign will only be around another 19 days, and it is a "flexible" one, meaning that even though the director wants fifty-five thousand Euros to make the best cartoon possible, any little bit you chip in will go directly to the production even if the main financial goal is not met.

There are perks if you pledge five Euros or more, but if none of them sway your judgement, you can just  donate one Euro (roughly $1.29 in U.S. currency) to the production. Every little helps!

So if you have a few bucks kicking around, why not become a backer for what could be one of the greatest animated b-film tributes of all time?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Note: This review is for a screener copy procured from SCREAM FACTORY. This Blu-ray/DVD combo pack of THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN was released on May 21, 2013. Order yourself a copy at, won't you?

MOVIE REVIEW: THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN has been on my radar for a very long time and I'm super excited that I finally had the chance to watch it. Directed by Charles B. Pierce (best known for his two LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK movies), this docudrama chronicles (and "spices up") the events of the "Phantom Killer" case, which occurred in Texarkana in the Spring of 1946.

After a brief intro to set the backdrop, and the mood of the film, TOWN kicks off with a brutal attack on a young couple named Sammy and Linda Mae, by a mysterious masked assailant. Their crime? Parking in a "lover's lane" in the middle of the night.

Their attacker manages to sneak up on them and disable their vehicle, before smashing the driver's side window and violently yanking Sammy out into the darkness. After the boyfriend is subdued, the "Phantom Killer" focuses his attention on Linda, who is discovered the following morning by the side of the road, battered, bloody, and bitten. Both kids survive the ordeal and the police are baffled by the crime and the person behind it. The "Moonlight Murders" have begun.

After a second, fatal attack on another young couple twenty-one days later, local deputy Norman Ramsey (Andrew Prine) is teamed with a famed Texas Ranger named J.D. Morales (Ben Johnson), to try and bring the unknown villain to justice. Despite their best efforts, the "Phantom Killer" manages to strike again, practically right under their noses, by turning a trombone into a murder weapon. You can gaze upon the ludicrous "Death by Trombone" sequence below:

Before the film ends, there is one more murderous attempt by the "Phantom Killer," where he conducts his first ever home invasion. This eventually leads to a cool chase sequence (that never actually happened), in which the wily "Phantom Killer" is wounded. Just when it seems like they've got him, the killer succeeds in evading the authorities and is never seen again.

The killer's disappearance has since lead to various unanswerable questions: Who was he? Why did he stop killing? Did he successfully get away only to get arrested elsewhere for another crime? Did he perish in the swamps where he made his escape? Or his he still lurking about the streets of Texarkana, keeping his murderous urges in check, lest he be discovered? (Probably not because he'd be over a hundred years old at this point.) To this day.... no one knows.

THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN is a cool little film that keeps things rather low key. Though it takes quite a few liberties with the facts from the case (e.g. the killer never turned a trombone into a deadly weapon; the police and rangers never wounded their suspect and chased him into a swamp), it keeps the core elements of the attacks/murders and also creates an atmosphere of paranoia. Though the killer's identity is never known, the film gives the impression that he walks unnoticed amongst the rest of the townsfolk, and is even sitting nearby at a restaurant when the police and rangers meet up with a psychologist to learn more about their suspect.

Along with a solid cast of main characters, a moody soundtrack, and a memorable antagonist that would inspire other cinematic slayers (e.g. the bag-headed Jason Voorhees in FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2), THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN is a pretty interesting film. Though it is considered a horror movie (all the classic slasher tropes are utilized here), it definitely feels more like a made-for-TV docudrama. It's rather bloodless, and gore is kept to a minimum forcing the audience's imagination to fill in all the sadistic blanks of the villain's actions. (Except for the scene where Dawn Wells gets a bullet through her face before her narrow escape that is.)

While it may bore younger horror enthusiasts, this is something that seasoned fans of fright flicks will surely enjoy. It may not be completely factual, and has several completely unnecessary scenes (i.e. every moment of "comic relief" provided by Director/supporting actor Charles B. Pierce), but overall it's a really solid effort that assuredly thrilled/terrified audiences in its day, and acts like a cinematic time capsule for all of us newer viewers that are experiencing it for the first time.

THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN is one of Charles B. Pierce's best  (though he'll always be known for THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK) and well worth a look. I'm more than happy to give this movie:


The Packaging: The film comes in the standard Blu-ray case with its original theatrical poster art on the cover. (Pictured at the top left of this review.) It's simplistic, but definitely effective, and is one of the main things everyone remembers about this movie.

Audio and Video: The disc offers up Dolby Digital Mono and DTS-HD Master Audio Mono, and both are pretty good; I've got no complaints here. As for the video quality... IT. IS. ASTOUNDING! For a low-budget film made in late 70's, the 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer here frequently looks pristine! Kudos to Shout!/Scream Factory for putting so much love into giving us fans the best audio and video possible!

The Extras: This disc offers up a ton of cool special features that are all worth checking out. The main extra worth mentioning is another feature-length film by Charles B. Pierce called THE EVICTORS which is located on the DVD that comes in this combo pack. As of my typing this, I have yet to sit down and watch it (I'll probably do that tonight before bed), but it is apparently one of Pierce's better efforts and stars Vic Morrow!

Also on the disc is an audio commentary with historian Jim Presley (an expert on the actual "Moonlight Murders" case), and moderator Justin Beahm. I only listened to snippets of it (mainly during the last thirty minutes or so) but it proved to be pretty interesting. I will most definitely be watching TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN again with the commentary track on from the beginning.

The remainder of the extras include: Interviews with star Andrew Prine (who reveals that he wrote the ending of the film because it didn't have one!), actress Dawn Wells (who still looks damned good!), and the Director of Photography James Roberson. Finally, we get a theatrical trailer, a poster & still gallery, and an essay on the film by writer Brian Albright that's well worth a read.

Final Ruling: Shout!/Scream Factory once again shows us why they are the premiere DVD/Blu-ray label for genre cinema! Not only have they made a very old film look and sound fantastic, but they've loaded it up with a good number of extras and a second feature-length film! The only thing that could have made it even better would have been a Director's commentary or interview, but sadly, Charles B. Pierce passed away back in 2010. This is a definite "must own" for horror aficionados and totally worth the twenty dollar price tag. I am more than happy to award this disc:
THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN is available now wherever discs are sold! Get your copy today!


Side note: During the bit of research I did on the web about the real murders that TOWN is based on, I discovered that this classic film is currently being remade. The screenplay was penned by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (who wrote the script for the upcoming CARRIE remake) and the film is set to be directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon (who has directed five episodes of AMERICAN HORROR STORY). Here's the synopsis:

"A young woman who survives a massacre at an annual screening of The Town That Dreaded Sundown looks to her past to help figure out who is recreating the Sackhead murders."

The new TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN is due out sometime next year. Here's hoping it doesn't suck!

J.J. Abrams quizzes astronaut on alien life (video)

UPDATED: 23 May, 2013

Thanks to Alejandro Rojas at OpenMinds.TV for going that extra mile in seeking out the actual video chat between NASA and the cast and crew of Star Trek Into Darkness discussed but not shown in the original reporting of this story.

The previously “unnamed” astronaut referred to by Alice Eve on Jimmy Kimmel Live turns out to be Michael Fincke. Joining him in the Google Hangout was Kjell Lindgren at the Johnson Space Center and Chris Cassidy aboard the International Space Station.

Director J.J. Abrams (who also wrote and directed the UFO movie Super 8 in 2011) was unable to participate in the live event. His “alien” question to the astronauts was posed in a pre-recorded video. Abrams said:

“I wish I could be there, but I couldn’t attend, so I am doing this very important question on video, which is the following. I talked to an astronaut once who told me on one of his missions he actually did see something really strange that he couldn’t explain that made him believe in extraterrestrial life, and my question to you is. Have either of you ever seen anything that made you believe that, or something you couldn’t explain or couldn’t understand, that you didn’t really necessarily share with the public, but that you want to share with us now? Thanks”.

Fincke replied:

“That was a great question from J.J., we get that question a lot. We all want to know, ‘are we the only ones out there?’And Star Trek helps us imagine what it could be like if there were other creatures, other people, other species. I spent a whole year in space, 381 days, but it is only 240 miles up, so that’s not very far in cosmic terms. So we think as we go farther out, and into the universe, we might find something out there that we don’t know about. I have never seen anything, maybe Kjell will on his mission, but I think as we go farther out, with the inspiration we get from you guys making these great feats of imagination and excitement, the movies that you make,  inspire us to be our best as human beings on planet earth.”

Star Trek Into Darkness writer and producer Damon Lindelof then commented, “What a great answer. Mike, can you confirm you have not been taken over by aliens? It felt a little too polished.”

Fincke replied, “No, I have done this before and I am an American human being who loves being part of our space program, and we all look up to you guys to inspire us.”

“Now we know something is seriously wrong,” said Lindelof.

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

British actress Alice Eve is convinced that NASA is hiding information about alien life. During a recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Eve – who co-starred in Star Trek Into Darkness and Men In Black 3 – described taking a trip to NASA’s Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston, Texas last Thursday, where she and her Trek co-stars Chris Pine and John Cho, as well as the film’s writer Damon Lindelof and its director J.J. Abrams, made a Skype call to an unnamed astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

"That was definitely the coolest thing we've done,” Eve told Kimmel, adding that her director had once spoken to an astronaut who believed he had seen alien life. Eve continued:

“J.J. asked this question [to the ISS astronaut], 'So have you seen alien life?'... and the response that these guys at the NASA base gave us... was so rehearsed and so clear that they had seen (aliens).”

“Interesting,” Kimmel replied. “So you believe that there’s a party line that they’re given and they kinda have to regurgitate it?”

“Well, I don’t know. I’m not saying I believe that...” Said Eve. The actress then leaned in toward her host and whispered in his ear: “but I believe that.”
Eve's comments begin at counter reading 1:12 in the video below...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New 'Star Trek' film taps into UFO lore

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Rumbled: Kirk and McCoy flee alien tribespeople in Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Cinemagoers who have seen the new Star Trek movie, Into Darkness, can no doubt recall its colourful opening sequence in vivid detail. No sooner are our bums on seats than do we find ourselves thrust into the brilliant crimson forests of an alien world, watching breathlessly as Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy flee a primitive humanoid tribe.

The Starfleet officers are in disguise so as to prevent the tribespeople from seeing their human (i.e. alien) faces and shattering their embryonic philosophical and religious paradigm. Kirk and McCoy are, as any Trekkie will appreciate, seeking to uphold their prime directive: to avoid at all costs any overt interference with the internal development of an alien civilization – especially one that is “barely out of the stone age” and which views its own culture as the center of the universe.
Alien culture shock: Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

This idea of non-interference between alien cultures is one that is frequently discussed in the UFO and scientific communities. Many scientists consider it entirely plausible that any advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy would likely seek to avoid drawing the attention of inhabitants of more primitive worlds for fear of sparking religious, economic and political chaos, or even civilizational collapse. And this, say many in the UFO community, is why ET has not yet landed on the White House lawn.   

Over the years, numerous alleged contactees have claimed that benevolent space folk have actually saved humanity from destruction on several occasions throughout history by quietly preventing potentially catastrophic natural disasters. Certainly there have been a great many instances when UFOs have been sighted over areas of geophysical significance – particularly active volcanoes. 

It is fitting, then, that Star Trek Into Darkness explores these UFOlogical ideas in its opening scenes. The reason Kirk and McCoy (and also Commander Spock) are on the alien planet in the first place is to attempt to covertly prevent the eruption of a super volcano that would wipe-out the fledgling civilization. The starship Enterprise is hidden from the aliens’ view beneath hundreds of feet of water off the coastline as Kirk and McCoy attempt to blend in with the natives.

Things don’t go according to plan, however, as not only are the two astronauts rumbled, but their starship is witnessed by the awe-struck tribespeople in all its splendour rising majestically from the ocean. We know in that moment that their civilizational path has been dramatically altered as, soon after, they begin drawing and worshipping a crude pictogram of the Enterprise. Ancient Astronaut theory, anyone?

As if these UFOlogical allusions weren’t sufficient, the fictional alien planet of our discussion is actually called ‘Nibiru.’ As anyone familiar with the work of Zecharia Sitchin will know, Nibiru is a theoretical planet that passes by Earth every 3,600 years, allowing its inhabitants – the Annunaki – to interact with humanity. According to Sitchin, these beings were the first gods worshipped by Man.

These filmic nods to UFOlogy should come as little surprise when we consider that the screenwriters for Star Trek Into Darkness are Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, and Damon Lindelof. Between them, these men have written and/or produced the likes of Transformers, Cowboys and Aliens, and Prometheus – all of which owe a heavy debt to UFO literature. Indeed, Orci, for one, has made no secret of his personal interest in the UFO subject. In July, 2011, the screenwriter was asked by The Wrap if he believed in aliens. He replied in the affirmative and added: “I think the evidence clearly indicates that the government's lying about what the hell’s going on.”

It’s unclear at this stage whether or not these same writers will be onboard for the next instalment of the Star Trek franchise, but, if they are, it’s a fair bet that their fascination with UFO lore will continue to serve as inspiration in their exploration of the Star Trek universe.

Your 2013 SCREAM FACTORY forecast!

It's official... I am in LOVE with Shout! Factory (their MST3K sets are to die for!), but more importantly, I am in love with it's SCREAM FACTORY label! If you asked me a decade ago, "what company puts out the best horror/cult DVDs," I would have probably said Anchor Bay. Five years ago, I would've said Lionsgate! (Shitty cover art aside, their treatment of ALLIGATOR, THE GATE, THE WRAITH, and MONSTER SQUAD was fantastic!) Now, I can tell you without skipping a beat, that SCREAM FACTORY is where it's at! They deliver the best audio and video, tons of extras, and killer box art. Don't like the new cover art for the films they put out? Flip it over for the original theatrical poster art!

I've already been super-impressed with their current releases, and I'm drooling over their release slate for the next three months. Here's what we have to look forward to between now and the end of August:

MAY 21, 2013
* Blood 'n' Fire Memories: A Detailed Look at the Creation of the Film's Make-Up Effects with Special Effects Artist Tom Savini.
* Slash & Cut: An Interview with Editor Jack Sholder
* Cropsy Speaks: An Interview with Actor Lou David
* Summer Camp Nightmare: An Interview with Actress Leah Ayres
* Behind the Scenes footage.
* Theatrical trailer.
* Make-up Effects Still Gallery
* Poster and Still Gallery
* Audio Commentary with Director Tony Maylam and International Film Journalist Alan Jones
* Audio Commentary with Stars Shelley Bruce and Bonnie Deroski

* Small Town Lawman: An Interview with Actor Andrew Prine
* Survivor Stories: An Interview with Actress Dawn Wells
* Eye of the Beholder: An Interview with Director of Photography James Roberson
* Theatrical Trailer
* Poster & Still Gallery
* The Phantom of Texarkana
* Audio Commentary with Justin Beahm and Historian Jim Presley

JUNE 11, 2013

JUNE 18, 2013
* Extended and theatrical cuts of the film!
* Dangerous Beauty with Mathilda May
* Space Vampires in London with Tobe Hooper* Carlsen's Curse with Steve Railsback
* Vintage Making of Lifeforce Featurette
* Theatrical Trailers
* TV Spot
* Audio commentary with Director Tobe Hooper
* Audio commentary with Make-Up Effects Designer Nick Maley

* Audio Commentary With Director Joe Dante And Actors Dee Wallace, Christopher Stone and Robert Picardo
* Unleashing the Beast: The Making Of The Howling Multi-part Documentary
* Deleted Scenes And Outtakes
* Making Of A Monster: Inside The Howling Documentary
* Horror’s Hallowed Grounds – A Look At The Film’s Locations
* Photo Gallery
* Theatrical Trailers
(Note: Further extras may be added before the discs' release date!)

JUNE 25, 2013
* Audio Commentary
* Bloopers
* Tour of the Set
* TV Spots

JULY 30, 2013
* New HD transfer of the film supervised by Director of Photography Dean Cundey
* Exclusive interview with Actress Jamie Lee Curtis discussing The Fog and covering her legendary early 80s “Scream Queen” career.
* Audio commentary featuring Actress Adrienne Barbeau, Actor Tom Atkins and Production Designer Tommy Lee Wallace
* Retrospective interview with Director of Photography Dean Cundey about his many legendary collaborations with John Carpenter
* Horror’s Hallowed Grounds – A Look At The Film’s Locations with host Sean Clark

Extras from the MGM prior release include:
* Tales From The Mist: Inside The Fog Featurette
* Fear On Film: Inside The Fog Featurette
* The Fog: Storyboard To Film Featurette
* Outtakes
* Theatrical Trailers & TV Spots
* Photo Gallery and Storyboards
* Audio Commentary With Writer/Director John Carpenter And Writer/Producer Debra Hill

* Audio commentary with writer/director William Sachs
* Interviews with writer/director William Sachs and Academy Award winning makeup effects artists Rick Baker and Greg Cannom
* Theatrical Trailers
* Photo Gallery

AUGUST 06, 2013

AUGUST 20, 2013


AUGUST 27, 2013

* Audio Commentary with Writer/Director Larry Cohen
* Poster & Still Gallery

As you can see, I don't have all the info yet, but I will share every little awesome detail for these and other upcoming Scream Factory releases as I get them! Man.... I can safely say that every single one of these is a MUST BUY for yours truly and I can't wait to see what other surprises SCREAM FACTORY has in store for us later on down the road.


Monday, May 20, 2013

New DVDs & Blu-rays for 05/21/2013!

Egads! Prepare to spend money this week folks! Full Moon's dumping a bunch of obscure cult titles on us via their GrindhouseFlix label, Shout! Factory and Scream Factory are bringing the awesome with Blu-rays for CAPTAIN AMERICA (the 1990 film where "Cap" fakes being carsick to steal a truck from Ned Beatty!), THE BURNING, and THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN, Redemption Films has put out newly remastered editions of two Euro-trash classics, and Ah-nuld Schwarzenegger's latest flop is out on DVD and Blu-ray (for a relatively low price) as well! See what's new below and prepare to spend, spend, spend!

The ABC's of Death
Beautiful Creatures
The Burning: Collector's Edition (DVD/Blu-ray combo)
Cold Eyes of Fear: Remastered Edition
The Last Stand
The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine: Remastered Edition
Subspecies II: Bloodstone
Subspecies III: Blood Lust
This Girl is Badass
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (DVD/Blu-ray combo w/ THE EVICTORS)
True Blood: The Complete Fifth Season

Captain America (1990)
Subspecies Blu-ray Collection: Volume 1

Alien Encounters of the 4th Kind
Awesome Killer Audition: It's Murder Being a Star
Cool Air
Dark Circles
Dark Dealer
Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You
Ed Wood's The Vampire's Tomb
ERA 3: Reinvention
Gaiking: The Movie Collection
Government Agents vs. Phantom Legion
An Irish Vampire in Hollwyood
Last Kind Words
Prince of the City
Vampires and Other Stereotypes
Yakuza vs. Ninja

Devil Dolls - 3 Disc Box Set
Evil Bong-o-rama Box Set
Ooga Booga
Riot in a Women's Prison
SS Hell Camp
Thor the Conqueror
The Vampire Journals

Friday, May 17, 2013

First full trailer for 'Europa Report'

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Check out the first full trailer for the upcoming sci-fi thriller Europa Report, which is described by as “a unique blend of documentary, alternative history and science fiction thriller [which] follows a contemporary mission to Jupiter's moon Europa, to investigate the possible existence of alien life within our solar system.”

Developed in close collaboration with NASA, JPL, SpaceX and other leaders in the scientific community, Europa Report “imagines the next step in manned space exploration and is based on recent scientific discoveries and theories.”

The film is due for theatrical release on August 2, and will be available On Demand from June 27.

Directed by Sebastian Cordero, Europa Report stars Sharlto Copley, Michael Nyqvist, Daniel Wu, Anamaria Marinca, Christian Camargo and Karolina Wydra. The film features music by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead).

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Trailer roundup: TO JENNIFER, HAMMER OF THE GODS, and V/H/S 2!

Here's a trio of trailers to start your afternoon off right! First up is the latest indie film directed by James Cullen Bressack (MY PURE JOY; HATE CRIME) called TO JENNIFER. This one revolves around a guy named Joey who thinks that his girlfriend of two years (the titular Jennifer) is cheating on him. To prove this, he and his cousin Steven take a road trip to film a video diary that is supposed to culminate in Jennifer getting caught in the act, but most likely ends in disaster since this is a found footage film.

Filmed entirely on an iPhone5, TO JENNIFER is going to eventually hit DVD but will mainly find its audience via iTunes and Zoovision. The official digital release date has yet to be announced, so while you wait on that info, why not give the trailer a look below?

Yep, things most definitely do not go well for Joey if the search for his girlfriend brings him to a crime scene....

Next up is a new Viking epic called HAMMER OF THE GODS coming to us from Magnet Releasing. Set in Viking Britain in 871 AD, the film follows Steinar (Charlie Bewley), a young viking warrior that is sent by his father, the king, on a quest. His mission? To find his estranged brother, who was banished from the kingdom many years before. Steinar’s epic journey across terrifyingly hostile territory gradually sees him emerge as the man his father wants him to be – the ruthless and unforgiving successor to his throne!

Looks watchable but it is so predictable and cliched. Steinar is not on the way to find his bro to make him a king; he's obviously been tasked to go on a quest and kill his crazy bro to become king himself. Plus all the Vikings naturally speak with a bit of an English accent... really makes me pine for the alleged Viking film Mel Gibson is working on. It doesn't look bad, but I'm worried that 90% of the gore will be CGI.

HAMMER OF THE GODS hits Video On Demand & iTunes on May 30th; look for it at select theaters on July 5th!

Finally, here's a trailer that some of you have probably been eagerly anticipating: It's the red band trailer for V/H/S 2 (formerly S/V/H/S)! I STILL haven't watched the first one, but now it looks like I should because this looks pretty bad ass! Give the new red band trailer a quick glance below.

Seriously, this looks really cool, though it's a bit more polished than you'd expect a found-footage anthology shot on "VHS" to be. Looks like we get some crazy suicidal Asians, alien abductions, doggy-cam point of view shots, murders, and monsters, so I'm down with this! Also, a really solid group of indie horror directors collaborated on this, so I have elevated expectations for this new anthology.

V/H/S 2 comes to iTunes & Video on Demand on June 6th (the Vault's 13th anniversary! Yay!) and will screen in select theaters on July 12th!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Check out the posters for EUROPA REPORT and HELL BABY!

In the ongoing battle to clear my e-mail inbox of all the juicy press releases, trailers, and posters, I came across the new posters for two films I'm not quite familiar with, namely EUROPA REPORT and HELL BABY. Check out the posters (click on them to get a better view!) and plot synopses below:

Prometheus meets J.J. Abrams' lens-flares?
Coming to iTunes & On Demand on June 27th; playing in select theaters on August 2nd.

Directed by Sebastián Cordero
Starring Sharlto Copley, Michael Nyqvist, Christian Camargo, Embeth Davidtz, Dan Fogler, Anamaria Marinca, Isiah Whitlock, JR., Karolina Wydra and Daniel Wu

A unique blend of documentary, alternative history and science fiction thriller, EUROPA REPORT follows a contemporary mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to investigate the possible existence of alien life within our solar system. When unmanned probes suggest that a hidden ocean could exist underneath Europa’s icy surface and may contain single-celled life, Europa Ventures, a privately funded space exploration company, sends six of the best astronauts from around the world to confirm the data and explore the revolutionary discoveries that may lie in the Europan ocean.

After a near-catastrophic technical failure that leads to loss of communication with Earth and the tragic death of a crewmember, the surviving astronauts must overcome the psychological and physical toll of deep space travel, and survive a discovery on Europa more profound than they had ever imagined.

This sounds like it could be really good, and several names in the cast stand out, particularly Sharlto Copley (DISTRICT 9 and THE A-TEAM) and Embeth Davidtz (Sheila from ARMY OF DARKNESS)! Good (strictly) sci-fi films are few and far between these days, so I plan on giving this one a go!

Next up is a new comedy from the creators of RENO 911......

Satan's baby is a Dio fan!

Written and Directed by Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant

Starring Rob Corddry, Leslie Bibb, Keegan-Michael Key, Michael Ian Black, Riki Lindhome, Rob Huebel and Paul Scheer

HELL BABY, is a comedy scripted by Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant (Night at The Museum, Reno 911!: Miami) that marks their co-directing debut. Jack (Rob Corddry) and Vanessa (Leslie Bibb) are an expectant couple that moves into the most haunted fixer-upper in New Orleans -- a house with a deadly demonic curse.

Things soon spiral out of control for Jack and Vanessa, as well as their-not-so-helpful neighbor F'Resnel (Keegan-Michael Key), Vanessa's friendly psychiatrist (Michael Ian Black), Vanessa's Wiccan sister Marjorie (Riki Lindhome) and the detectives assigned to look into the rising body count (Rob Huebel and PaulScheer). Only the Vatican's elite exorcism team (Garant and Lennon) can save them -- or can they?

I was a big fan of RENO 911 back in the day, and the cast in HELL BABY is pretty solid, so I'm more than willing to give this one a look. At the moment there isn't a theatrical or home video release date, but I'll be sure to let you all know once I get that information.

Shout Factory releasing Luc Besson's "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec" to DVD & Blu-ray on August 13th!

I received a press release the other day for this upcoming Shout! Factory release of Luc Besson's fantasy tale, THE ADVENTURES OF ADELE BLANC-SEC. It's kind of like THE MUMMY, but with a French twist and a cute pterosaur discovering/riding gal taking the place of Brendan Fraser. Here's more info about this movie and it's DVD & Blu-ray release:


This summer, let your imagination run free. Journey into an awe-inspiring world of action fantasy and visual wonder with popular French comics heroine Adèle Blanc-Sec as she leaps from the pages to the screen! On August 13, 2013, Shout! Factory, in collaboration with EuropaCorp, invite families and the young-at-heart across America to be captivated by one of the most highly anticipated international motion pictures of all time when Luc Besson’s The Extraordinary ADVENTURES of Adèle Blanc-Sec unleashes on DVD and on two-disc BLU-RAY COMBO PACK. The Blu-ray combo pack allows viewers to enjoy The Extraordinary ADVENTURES of Adèle Blanc-Sec on the platform of their choice and includes spectacular movie presentation on Blu-ray, DVD and a digital copy of the movie compatible with PC, MAC, iTunes, iPhone and AppleTV.

Brimming with heart-pounding action, breathtaking cinematography and visceral special effects, this acclaimed feature illustrates the magical power of moviemaking, and delivers wildly entertaining cinematic adventure filled with humor, incredible action, mystery and lush Parisian period details that the whole family will enjoy! Both Blu-ray combo pack and DVD editions offer English and French audio tracks, English subtitles. Insightful bonus features take viewers behind- the-scenes as director Luc Besson and the cast share their passion in bringing this timeless tale to the screen. Available in stores nationwide, The Extraordinary ADVENTURES of Adèle Blanc-Sec Blu-ray combo pack is priced to own with a suggested retail price of $24.97, and $14.97 for the DVD. THE EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURES OF ADÈLE BLANC-SEC The Director’s Cut Edition Two-Disc Blu-ray+DVD Combo Pack will arrive in stores this Fall 2013.
THE EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURES OF ADELE BLANC-SEC, is currently available for pre-order (directly from Shout! Factory, or from other online retailers) and it's street date (again) is on August 13th! Check out the trailer below to help make up your mind on this one:

Did anyone else start hearing Sammy Hagar belting out "Heavy Metal" when Adele rides off on the Pterosaur at the end? (Or did you hear the theme from "E.T.?")